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A FREE 9-week fitness program to help you finish the season strong.

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Looking to build strength and endurance?

Make the second half of the biking season your best half with Chris Spealler’s free training program. An American seven-time CrossFit Games veteran, Chris is passionate about helping people prepare for and embrace adventure as part of their fitness.

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Benefits of the program

Build Raw Strength

Kick off your week with a strength day that includes a lower-body and upper-body lift.

Increase Aerobic Capacity

Improve your lung capacity and apply it to the bike with running and rowing workouts.

Boost Strength Endurance

Increase muscular endurance through mixed movements with a variety of loading, rep schemes, and duration.

A Message from Chris

Regardless of whether you are new to the Pivot family or have participated in a previous Pivot training program, welcome! I’m fired up to be a small part of your journey of fitness and passion for riding bikes. For me, they go hand in hand, and the better I am in the gym, the more fun I have on my bike. 

This year’s program was designed with the following in mind:

  • Simplicity: The need for gear and equipment was kept to a minimum, so you can easily complete the workouts at home.
  • Flexibility: Think of this training as a bit of a “choose your own adventure” program. 

There are 3 types of workouts you will encounter and they can be categorized as follows:

  1. Strength
  2. Strength/Endurance
  3. Aerobic Capacity

Depending on your goal, each one of these will target different areas of your fitness. If you are looking to gain raw strength and improve power to the pedals, the strength days will be key. You will need access to a barbell and plates, but I figure if you’re in this for the goods, you will already have access or can jump in on a temporary gym membership if needed. 

The strength/endurance days combine weightlifting, bodyweight, and at times traditional cardio workouts, and are great for well-rounded fitness, which translates great to all-around capacity on the bike. 

Finally, the aerobic capacity days are there if you need some extra work on the long duration efforts. These were intentionally written to be off the bike to change things up a bit, but you’re welcome to do them on the bike as well, if you like. 

Lastly, you will see our weights listed as light, moderate, or heavy. This is relative to each individual and can be thought of on a scale of 1–10.

Weight Intensity Scale:

1–3 light
4–6 moderate
7–10 heavy

You can complete all training days throughout the week OR pick and choose. Now go slay some climbs, shralp some turns, and have some fun!

Chris Spealler

A Message From Chris

Regardless of whether you are new to the Pivot family or have participated in a previous Pivot training program, welcome! I’m fired up to be a small part of your journey of fitness and passion for riding bikes. For me, they go hand in hand, and the better I am in the gym, the more fun I have on my bike. 

This year’s program was designed with the following in mind:

  • Simplicity: The need for gear and equipment was kept to a minimum, so you can easily complete the workouts at home.
  • Flexibility: Think of this training as a bit of a “choose your own adventure” program. 

There are 3 types of workouts you will encounter and they can be categorized as follows:

  1. Strength
  2. Strength/Endurance
  3. Aerobic Capacity

Depending on your goal, each one of these will target different areas of your fitness. If you are looking to gain raw strength and improve power to the pedals, the strength days will be key. You will need access to a barbell and plates, but I figure if you’re in this for the goods, you will already have access or can jump in on a temporary gym membership if needed. 

The strength/endurance days combine weightlifting, bodyweight, and at times traditional cardio workouts, and are great for well-rounded fitness, which translates great to all-around capacity on the bike. 

Finally, the aerobic capacity days are there if you need some extra work on the long duration efforts. These were intentionally written to be off the bike to change things up a bit, but you’re welcome to do them on the bike as well, if you like. 

Lastly, you will see our weights listed as light, moderate, or heavy. This is relative to each individual and can be thought of on a scale of 1–10.

Weight Intensity Scale:

1–3 light
4–6 moderate
7–10 heavy

You can complete all training days throughout the week OR pick and choose. Now go slay some climbs, shralp some turns, and have some fun!

Chris Spealler

Ready to get started?


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Finish the Season Strong

Put the program to use and see your biking improve thanks to increased strength and endurance.
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